Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On the cusp?

cusp -noun [kuhsp]
a point that marks the beginning of a change: on the cusp of a new era.

As, Mr. Obama carries out his plans to declare victory tonight, it is worth noting the costs associated with that declaration. For one, he gave HilForceOne a reason to go to the convention. Secondly, through the you tube videos of his pastor and guest preacher, he single-handedly made the United Church of Christ (UCC), of which I am a member, appear to be a raving bunch of African-American race-obsessed churchgoers, when in fact the UCC actually struggles with attracting non-white members.

Worst of all, there appear to be a growing number of disillusioned White middle-aged women who cannot stand the thought of a Black president, specifically one who "stole" the nomination from their beloved HilForceOne. View one with bruises, and one who likes to yell.

The good news is that he still appears to be leading McCreamy in the electoral vote.

While Obamania will descend on the Twin Cities tonight, it appears that there may be good reason for it. The Twin Cities media market controls much of Iowa and western Wisconsin, and this region may very well control the election this year.

Finally, for purposes of fun and enjoyment, I finally have the court's blessing to get my WNBA fantasy league off the ground.

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