I am sure all of you have seen the pictures above, which were allegedly taken during a video shoot for a Super Bowl commercial that features LebJay. The shoot was likely designed to correspond to a viral marketing campaign that features Lebron. (The article from the "ball Don't Lie" blog on Yahoo! can be found here).
I cannot overemphasize how upset I am by these photos. To me they're like that dream you used to have in 8th grade where you were suddenly dating the coolest girl in the school, or the dream you have today, where suddenly you win a new car. And the dream is so real that when you wake up you are actually confused by the fact that your life wasn't suddenly changed.
That feeling is EXACTLY what I feel about these pictures. LeBron will obviously NEVER risk an injury and ruin to his NBA career by playing football, and its very likely that his contract with the Cavaliers would prohibit this. So to tease fans like this is just stupid.
I have no doubts that LeBron, as an incredible athlete would be an outstanding football player, much like Randy Moss or Antonio Gates. Furthermore, while likely upsetting people like Tim McCarver, two-sport athletes are the most exciting people in sports. From Deon Sanders to Bo Jackson (Tecmo SuperBowl MVP), there are few types of players who truly bring thrill to the sports they play the way that two-sport athletes do.
I am a huge LeBron fan. Always have been. I remember after watching him play in high school, calling LWJ, and saying to him that James was the best player I had ever seen. Including Jordan. So I am a big King James fan.
I would love it if LeBron would say, "Cavs, if you want me, you have to let me play football." What would the Cavs do? They would bend over backwards to make it happen, because they do NOT want to lose him in free agency. He could name his price. And the Cleveland Browns would make it happen in a heartbeat. Lord knows they could use some receivers who could catch.
But sadly its not going to happen. And for me, to allow hype to be built that you might do this, to even pretend that it will happen and then just wuss out is low class.
1 comment:
to believe lebron would play or even could play two sports at one time is the stupidest most ridiculous idea yet. Great athlete yes. person, no. Lebron has such a big head about himself,that he actually thinks people want to see more of him, anyone who does needs to get a life of their own as much as he does. he has obviously fooled himself into thinking that hes more is than a basketball player. this is also stupid and insulting to the players who can pull this off and for those that play in the respective sport lebron thinks he belongs in. Lebron needs to get rid of the people that suck him off and needs to get back to reality. that reality is that he is a GOOD basketball player that has the potential to be GREAT player but with the attitude of a younger un educated player that he is, he u nfortunatley will be nothing more than a big headed after thought compared to the greats of every sport of yesteryear god bless the past. The future...with people like lebron leading the charge, we're completley screwed as sports fans
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