Tuesday, November 4, 2008

LIVE BLOG #2 - 7:00 PM Central

7:55 - (LWJ) On MSNBC, congressman Tom Delay (R) just predicted that the Democrats in Congress are gong to "run circles" around Obama and that Nancy Pelosi is going to push her agenda through and "double the minimum wage" in the next 6 months.

7:54 - (DH) DH has been trying to shout out pailin=failin all NIGHT for drinking a sam sampler pack, i believe that HDC is doing that as well!

7:52 - (OS) MN polls close in less than ten minutes ... any presidcitons LWJ?

7:50 - (LWJ) CNN (Best Political Team on Television) says that Obama is far outperforming Kerry in key counties in FL and IN. James Carville also just said that he doesn't see a path to victory for McCain.

7:49 - (LWJ) The Kentucky Senate race is tightening. Remember that the sitting Republican Senator, Mitch McConnell is the minority leader of the Senate. It's now 51-49 with 39% of precincts reporting.

7:47 - (LWJ) - McCain leads Virginia, but my girlfriend points out that 2 years ago James Carville conceded the Senate race in Virginia to Republican George Allen early in the night. Then took it back. It kept tightening and tightening as results came in. Then, with about 98% of precints reporting, Democrat Jim Webb took the lead and held on.

7:43 - (OS) McCain has no route.

7:36 - (LWJ) McCain wins GA. Surprising (at least to me) that they called it this early.

7:35 - (OS) GOP sources on MN TV networks, are reporting that Michelle Bachman will retain her seat.

7:34 - (LWJ) - McCain wins Alabama. Not surprising. I wonder what percentage of the black vote Obama carried there. (Just checked CNN exit polls. Obama won the black vote 98-2)

7:33 - (OS) Without NH, McCain's map gets THAT much harder

7:33 - (OS) Why haven't they called Georgia?

7:32 - (LWJ) MSNBC just moved Virginia from 'Too Early to Call' to 'Too Close to Call.' That's not good news for Obama. The early results there are strong for McCain. With 36% precincts reporting its 55%-35% for McCain.

7:31 - (LWJ) MSNBC just called Kay Hagan as North Carolina Senator. YESSIRRRR!

7:23 - (LWJ) Democrats are kind of like Cubs fans. We're so used to losing, we don't know what to do when we win.

7:16: Democrat Jean Shaheen will win the contested NH Senate seat. In NJ, Republican Susan Collins will keep her seat. Democrat Dick Durbin (Yeah!!! - we love Dick Durbin) will keep his seat in IL. Democrat John Kerry will keep is seat in MA.

7:08 - Biden will win his Senate seat. Nice to have that as a fall back in case he and Obama lose tonight. Here's how it looks right now:

7:02 - Delaware, Biden's home state, will go to the Obama-Biden ticket. Chris Matthews said that Pennsylvania was a failure for the Republicans.

7:01 - New Hampshire - Obama. Maine as well. These instant calls are good news. It means it wasn't even close.

7:00 - PENSYLVANIA - OBAMA. Also NJ, IL, MA, D.C., MD, CT. McCain will win TN, OK.

1 comment:

Menstr8 said...

Pailin=failin is sleeping after finishing the heavy part of the sampler pack... Unfortunately I have soccer at 9pm, the good news is the Wild will be just finishing up the first period in San Jose, Let's Go Wild!

Si Se Puede,

Al Franken