For those who have not read his column today, I strongly encourage you to read
George Will today. He offers a critique of McCain that only a a Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative American newspaper columnist, journalist, and author has the credibility to offer. While I would encourage a reading of the
entire column, I have posted several of the key passages below.
Channeling his inner Queen of Hearts, John McCain furiously, and apparently without even looking around at facts, said Chris Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, should be decapitated. This childish reflex provoked the Wall Street Journal to editorialize that "McCain untethered" -- disconnected from knowledge and principle -- had made a "false and deeply unfair" attack on Cox that was "unpresidential" and demonstrated that McCain "doesn't understand what's happening on Wall Street any better than Barack Obama does."
He goes on to say:
In any case, McCain's smear -- that Cox "betrayed the public's trust" -- is a harbinger of a McCain presidency. For McCain, politics is always operatic, pitting people who agree with him against those who are "corrupt" or "betray the public's trust," two categories that seem to be exhaustive -- there are no other people.
And closes with:
It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?
I think he hit it right on the head. Or, in his own
Chicago Cubs parlance he hit it out of the park.
1 comment:
Any thoughts on the Twins and White Sox series this week? I'm putting the over-under for hit by a pitch at 28 -- which is coincidentally Don Baylor's single season record for getting pelted.
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