It seems to me that Obama could be doing an even better job of reminding voters of just how erratic McCain has been. This visual (from, pokes fun at the McCain "Hail Mary" stunts of this election cycle. These of course were the 'Celebrity' ads of mid-summer, the selection of Sarah Palin as running mate, and the 'suspension' of his campaign in late September.
But, the erratic behavior does not end there. Let's take a look at one week in September:
- On September 16, McCain, long a champion of deregulation, said, "In my administration, we're going to hold people on Wall Street responsible."
- 5 days later, the tune had changed, when McCain said, "No, I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy."
- On September 15, McCain now infamously said, "The fundamentals of the economy are strong."
- The SAME DAY, his campaign released a television ad saying, "The economy is in crisis."
- The next day, McCain was adamant on NBC's Today Show about the then proposed bailout of AIG: "No, I do not believe that the American taxpayer should be on the hook for AIG, and I'm glad that the Secretary Paulson is apparently taking the same line."
- But, three days later, according to the LA Times: "McCain backs AIG bailout."
- By September 24, it was time for McCain to throw a 'Hail Mary;' "Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington."
- The next day, however, McCain campaign attack ads criticizing Obama continued to run in key battleground states. Furthermore, campaign offices never closed, and McCain surrogates continued to appear on TV touting McCain's 'action' on the bailout plan.
- On September 24, McCain also declared, "[I will not attend the debate] until we have taken action to address this crisis."
- But, two days later, even without any action being taken to address the crisis, McCain agreed to attend the debate.
And they called John Kerry a flip-flopper?
1 comment:
Imagine if you will, that you are sick, very sick. You need heart bypass surgery immediately. You check into the hospital and are introduced to two doctors. One of them finished 894 out of 899 graduates in his medical school. Although trained at public expense to do bypass surgery, he lost five patients on the table, four of them during routine procedures.
And let’s say the other doctor graduated magna cum laude from Harvard medical school. (Obama did graduate magnum cum laude from Harvard law.)
OK, so which one do you want working on you?
In 1958, John McCain graduated 894th in his class of 899 at the Naval Academy. He destroyed four planes in routine, non-combat flight before he was shot down near Hanoi. Can anyone really believe that this man is qualified to take over a country ravaged by eight years of George Bush? Had McCain’s father and grandfather not been Navy admirals, he is unlikely to have ever been allowed near a combat aircraft. We as a country have already suffered for eight years at the hands of an unqualified child of privilege. Have we learned nothing from that?
McCain claims he is an agent of change. That is laughable. The record shows he has moved in lockstep with the Bush Administration for years, and he has not proposed anything substantial that represents a change from the failed policies of the Bush administration. On the contrary, he has vowed to maintain Bush’s tax policy. He wants to eliminate the Department of Education; certainly that is a change, but it reflects this man’s incredibly poor judgment. Everything McCain says is a rehash of Bush’s policies. Yet Republican voters, even those who have abandoned George Bush, will insist that McCain is a change candidate, too intellectually lazy to actually look at the issues and the policies espoused by their candidate.
Think about that when you enter the voting booth in November. Do you want doctor #894 of 899 operating on you? Or someone who has succeeded in everything he has done?
***Note: This was pulled from a soccer blog that went political... The above writings were from a Johns Hopkins University Grad..
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