Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who won...?

I know that Official Scorer is probably going to jump on here and claim that John McCain won that debate but I can tell you right now that Barack Obama DOMINATED and sat that dude down. I was jumping out of my seat waving my "donkey towel" at the TV and yelling "C'mon Barack!" That white-haired ole' dude doesn't know nothin. John McCain needs to sit down and shut up. Go home, old man. Go home.

ps. On a total side note, my favorite part about the debates is that there are no commercials. It's sort of like soccer, without halftime!

1 comment:

Menstr8 said...

Here is a fun fact:

Obama is a fan of West Ham of the English Premier League.

On a side note, Sylvester Stalone is an Everton fan and also ripped his pectoral muscle in a bench pressing competition against Franco Columbo resulting in 160 stitches....