Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dreams of Bill Ayers

Based on a newly written and irrefutable piece in the latest American Thinker, it is now proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that Senator Obama did not write his own memoir, Dreams From My Father. In fact, Jack Cashill's groundbreaking work conclusively proves that unrepentant terrorist William Ayers wrote Obama's memoir.

Because of this wonderful and timely work of Pulitzer-like journalism, where Cashill cites his own book's bad writing as proof that Obama could not write a better book than he, it is now up to the readers of this blog to figure out who wrote The Audacity of Hope. (Or we could just ask Obama during the next debate ... assuming the commission on debates use the same rules as they do in Indiana's Ninth District).

Just so anyone doesn't get the wrong idea, and think that possibly Mr. Cashill, author of a book that bashes liberal thought, has some hidden agenda, let's understand that he is actually the author of a "real" book. Furthermore, just because his book is ranked behind these classics (This one, this one, and this one) on the bestseller list, doesn't mean that he might be upset that Obama is a better selling author than he is.

So with that settled, I would like to invite our readers to help us decide who wrote The Audacity of Hope.

1 comment:

Palin = Failin said...

Thanks to my vote, Gwen is now tied with Rev. Wright.