Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halo players ... beware!

I know we probably focus too much on national races, so I wanted to take some time to focus on a local race: Maricopa County District 1 Supervisor. I am sure, unlike me, you have no idea who the candidates for this very important office are. So I have decided to link you to a flyer comparing the candidates for the office.

Now, I am not sure if there is any polling on this one, but my guess is that incumbent Fulton Brock is ahead. That being true, it is despicable that he attacks the competition, Ed Hermes, by noting that Hermes is a:

"Skilled player of popular video game Halo. Hermes was quoted in the ASU student newspaper as saying: 'I am addicted to Halo and play almost every night.'"

Let this be a lesson to all of you "skilled players of Halo" ... it can and will be used against you should you ever try to run for public office.

My advice? Put down the Wii controller and go play some golf. That's a much more healthy activity, and it will surely make you a more acceptable political candidate.

[UPDATE: Just tracked down Mr. Hermes blog, and it appears that he does not in fact live with his parents. You can read the rest of it here.]


Menstr8 said...

A) Is this real?

B) Fulton Brock is a tool shed and has zero swim instructor experience which really has to hurt his chances of victory.

Dark Horse said...

i think it is real, check out his blog... lol